Shorten links, earn money

If you're looking to earn money by shortening links, you're in the right place. Click here for more information.


It shows the earnings per thousand clicks.

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About Us


Achieve maximum earnings with a high click guarantee and get paid on the same day. You can receive your payments through Payoneer, Payeer, cryptocurrency, and Webmoney. Don't lose visitors due to our fast-loading advertising pages. We have successfully reduced the page loading time of our advertising pages to under 200 milliseconds. All reports, including instant visitor, hourly report, device report, recent clicks, country reports, and more, are accessible in our member panel.

Get Register Introduction Video

High CPM Rates

What makes CPMLink different from other link shortening websites is that it is designed to benefit both users and visitors. Our infrastructure is built to ensure a better experience for you without causing inconvenience to your visitors. For our valued users, signing up takes only a few minutes, and the membership steps are as follows:

  • Sign up for free
  • Shorten any link
  • Share the link you shortened
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Why choose us?

High quality is our standard
Professional staff

We have a 24/7 team of employees to serve you better.

High Technology

Our infrastructure is constantly being renewed and improved.

Instant Payment

We make instant payments with all our payment methods.

High CPM Rates

The key feature that sets us apart from other link shortening sites is our own advertising networks, ensuring you get the best rates.

Referral System

Get paid every time you refer someone. Earn a 5% life-time commission!


Get acquainted with our advanced api system.

CPMLink - Shorten Link Earn Money

We've been providing services since 2016, offering the highest CPM rates worldwide through our own advertising networks, allowing you to earn income by sharing the shortened links on social media or your website. You can monitor your statistics in real-time and receive instant payments.